How to use your VNS device

How to use your VNS device


How To Use Your VNS Device

Step 1

Ensure that the two probes at the end of each wire are firmly inserted into the ear clips. If necessary, press the rubber inserts into the plastic housing before use.

Step 2

Carefully place the ear clips into the concha part of the ear, using two clips for each ear. Make sure the probe is on the top/concha side of the ear and is not positioned to stimulate the underside, as this will not be effective.

Step 3

Press the middle top button to turn on the machine. Setting number 1 is the general anxiety/calming setting and should display 20Hz and 250 pw (pulse width), along with 60, which indicates the minutes the machine has been set for. You can change the timer if you'd like a treatment shorter than 60 minutes. However, I find that it's easier to simply end the session early to avoid any complications.

Step 4

Press the plus button to increase the current on one side and then the other. Increase the level until you feel a tapping, buzzing, or tingling sensation. Keep in mind that everyone's experience and sensitivity vary. The goal is to increase the current to a point where you feel slight discomfort but not pain. There's no need to cause yourself undue stress to benefit from the treatment. If the sensation becomes uncomfortable during the treatment, press the minus button to reduce the current to a more agreeable level.

Step 5

Press the central middle button to turn off the machine. Carefully squeeze each clip to open it before removal. Pulling off the clip abruptly could break the plastic or dislodge the small spring.


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