The Evolution of Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

The Evolution of Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

The Evolution of Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS)

Though VNS is not widely known, it has been the subject of medical research and treatment for over a decade. In the US, hundreds of thousands of procedures have involved implanting a pacemaker-like nerve stimulator into the chest. These devices also require wires to be inserted into the vagus nerve in the neck. While effective, this approach was invasive, labour-intensive, expensive, and fraught with complications like infections and device failure. Fortunately, newer, simpler, and more affordable alternatives are now available.

How Our TENS Machine Works

Our device utilises a groundbreaking method for stimulating the vagus nerve. By targeting a specific region in the ear, we can directly access the brainstem and send electrical messages down the main vagus nerve, triggering a host of benefits. This technique is called Transcutaneous Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation (taVNS).

Potential Side Effects and Safety Precautions

Rarely do users experience side effects like headaches. In fact, VNS is considered a first-line treatment for conditions like migraines and cluster headaches. Some users may feel fatigued, but this should not be confused with a relaxed or sedated state. The most common minor issues during treatment are tingling or a feeling akin to pins and needles.

Important Contraindications and Warnings

Those with heart-related conditions should exercise caution, as stimulating the vagus nerve can affect heart rate. If you have an arrhythmia, heart disease, or low blood pressure, consult your doctor before using this device. Also, refrain from using the device near water or flammable gases, and remove other electronic devices like hearing aids that could interfere with functionality.

Usage Tips

Incorrect clip placement is a common reason for ineffective taVNS. For the best results, place the clips in the concha part of the ear. For guidance, see our anatomy diagram and clip placement photo.

Anatomy of the Human Ear


We recommend attaching and removing the clips in front of a mirror, especially until you're familiar with the correct placement. Be careful when removing the clips to avoid breaking them or hurting your ear.

Final Remarks

Upon close inspection, you'll notice that the ear clips have a rubber insert that contacts your skin. If these become loose, simply press them back into place. We understand that these minor issues can be frustrating, but a little patience will go a long way in helping you reap the benefits of VNS.

TENS Machine Settings

The TENS machine offers a variety of settings. To start, use the general setting for anxiety and stress (#1). As you become more familiar with the device, you can fine-tune the settings to better target your specific symptoms.

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